My Firework

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dinner time heaven

Did not want to eat out or order in. Made some spiced rice stuffed in red bell pepper, grilled cottage cheese in chinese spice and sesame seed oil . Just the pics. If anyone asks I will post the recipe.

The home has a nice fragrance of a slow roasting bell pepper, whips up quite some hunger. What a Sunday this has been.
Spiced Rice

Cottage Cheese ( Paneer ) grilled in Sesame Seed Oil and Chinese Spice Mix

Rust colored chunks

Done Perfect

Red Bell Pepper Stuffed with spiced rice being grilled


Trust me this tastes Fab!

 Maybe I should just turn this into a food blog :)


KAVEETA said...

It looks presentable :)

anon said...

Damn. New dimensions.
